In many instances, our services will not be needed




Our primary business at Just A Token is to provide you with custom tokens for your specific needs, whatever those needs may be. Our services are available to help you utilize your tokens in the most effective way. In many instances, our services will not be required. Tokens can be purchased and used by you without the need for reading/evaluating equipment or further assistance.

We can be as involved as little or as much as you would like---and that level of involvement can be adjusted as time goes on, as your requirements or desires change, and as your applications for your tokens adjust to accommodate those needs. In other words, our presence beyond the purchase of your tokens is as flexible as the applications of our product.

Some of the services we can provide are as follows:

  • Read collected tokens at regularly scheduled service intervals
  • Evaluate and compile data, and provide reports
  • Re-assign and re-batch tokens, according to your on-going requirements
  • Deliver, distribute and collect tokens
  • Help you create unique multi-level campaigns using Just A Token as the centerpiece

In this section you will find detailed information about services which are, or will soon be available to you as a Just A Token client, should you wish to consider them.

If you have questions, would like a custom quote, or if you would simply like to know more about how our services can help you achieve your Just A Token goals, please contact us. We welcome the opportunity to work with you! More information

It's "Just A Token"...or is it?


Our presence beyond the purchase of tokens is as flexible as our product itself